This one time at Band Camp, oh never mind…

The Players: Me, Shepherd, DV8R and lil’ Markie

When: One hour before our departure.

DV8R had to Rest before checking out, so quiet as mice we gathered all of the furniture that wasn’t nailed down and barricaded the bathroom door with it. I know, I know the bathroom door swings in! But non-the less we thought it was clever. Now for the coupe-de-grace we sneak out of the room to leave DV8R to his business. So time passes, the boys and I are in the lobby waiting and mulling over all the different scenarios of what DV8R found after his visit to the library, when low and behold the man emerges and man was he mad. Come to find out while he was Resting the service maid walked and saw the dismay in which we left the room and began swearing like a sailor on shore leave. DV8R still on the porcelain bus, started yelling through the door that he was still occupying the room, so hurriedly he cleaned up and tried exiting the Water Closet and about broke his will trying to climb over every thing to get out. True to his upbringing, he put everything back in its proper place. We still giggle like schoolgirls when some one tells the story.